Journal Catalogue - 1938 - 1948

Articles published in the NZ Journal of Physiotherapy from 1938 to 1948.

TAGS: journal, catalogue

September, 1938, No. 1

The History of the Massage School. Pg. 3 The Administration of Masseurs in New Zealand. Pg. 6 Manipulation in the Treatment of Injuries. Pg. 10 Letter to the Editor from Miss Lambie. Pg. 12 Maternity Exercises. Pg. 13 The Cause of Disability following Limb Injuries. Pg. 16 Spa Treatment in New Zealand. Pg. 20 Anterior Poliomyelitis. Pg. 21 Suggestions on Routine Procedure in Raditherapy. Pg. 22 Correspondence. Pg. 24 Appoints Bureau. Pg. 26 Social Notes. Pg. 28 Report on the Otago School of Physiotherapy. Pg. 28 The Massage Club. Pg. 29 State Physiotherapy Examination. Pg. 30

June, 1939, No. 2

Editorial. Pg. 3 Miss Mary McLean. Pg. 4 Report of the Seventh Dominion Conference. Pg. 5 Address given at the Offical Welcome to Conference Delegates at the penwomen’s Club. Pg. 7 The Place of Physiotherapy in Medicine. Pg. 10 Visit to the Mater Misericordia Hospital. Pg. 16 President’s Notes. Pg. 16 What we give when we give Treatment. Pg. 17 The Bagot-Stack Physical Training Movement. Pg. 25 The Value of Clinics in Congested Areas. Pg. 26 The Visit to the Wilson Home. Pg. 29 Spastic Parplegia and Infantile Paralysis. Pg. 31 Social Notes. Pg. 37 Masseurs’ Registration Board. Pg. 29 The Massage Club. Pg. 40

October, 1939, No. 3

Editorial. Pg. 3 President’s Notes. Pg. 4 Treatment of Acute and Chronic Arthritis. Pg. 5 The Blind Massage Movement in England. Pg. 13 Apneu Collision Inhaler. Pg. 19 Margaret Morris Maternity Exercises. Pg. 20 Intermittent Claudication. Pg. 23 Report on the Otago Hospital School of Physiotherapy. Pg. 25 Book Reviews. Pg. 27 Fractures of the Upper Extremity of the Humerus. Pg. 30 Social Notes. Pg. 32

May, 1940, No. 4

Service. Pg. 3 Editorial. Pg. 3 Fibrositis. Pg. 4 Third World Conference for the Care of Cripples. Pg. 8 Infantile Paralysis and Celebral Diplegia at Carshalton. Pg. 13 Extract from President’s Letter. Pg. 20 Occupational Therapy. Pg. 23 Third World Conference for the Care of Cripples. Pg. 24 Pyretic and Foam Baths. Pg. 27 President’s Notes. Pg. 28 A Motto. Pg. 29 Practical Plans for Pedal and Postural Perfection. Pg. 30 Our Military Masseuses. Pg. 30 Social Notes. Pg. 31

October, 1940, No. 5

Editoral. Pg. 3 President’s Notes. Pg. 4 Short Wave or Ultra High Frequency. Pg. 6 Otago School of Physiotherapy. Pg. 17 Appointments Bureau and Military Register. Pg. 20 Overseas Masseuses. Pg. 21 A Letter Received from Miss D. J. Bull. Pg. 21 An Explanation. Pg. 22 Adhesive Strapping Support for Fallen Arches. Pg. 23 The Massage Students’ Club. Pg. 23 Otago School of Physiotherapy (Yearly Report). Pg. 24 A Day in the Work of a Visiting Masseuse. Pg. 25 Physiotherapy in the Restoration of Injured Hands. Pg. 26 Social Notes. Pg. 29 Masseurs’ Registration Board. Pg. 30

May, 1941, No. 6

Editorial. Pg. 3 President’s Notes. Pg. 5 War Wounds. Pg. 7 Physiotherapy in the Treatment of Cardiac Disease. Pg. 10 Treatment of Wounds and Ulcers. Pg. 16 The Sacro-Illiac Joint. Pg. 17 On Acive Service. Pg. 21 Postural Control. Pg. 24 N.Z. Trained Masseurs’ Association. Pg. 31

October, 1941, No. 7

Concerning the Patient. Pg. 3 President’s Notes. Pg. 5 War Neuroses. Pg. 7 Fractures of the Neck of the Femur. Pg. 9 Otago School of Physiotherapy Yearly Report. Pg. 15 Nutrition. Pg. 17 On Active Service in Greece and Crete. Pg. 21 No. 1 Netherlands Hospital Ship “Oranje”. Pg. 25 What is Occupational Therapy? Pg. 27 Masseurs’ Registration Board. Pg. 29

May, 1942, No. 8

What Does the Physiotherapist Contribute to the Community? Pg. 3 President’s Notes. Pg. 4 The Value of Physiotherapy in Surgery. Pg. 6 Memorial Bursary for Dominion Student. Pg. 13 Book review. Pg. 14 Occupational Therapy in Practice. Pg. 14 On the Inside-Looking Out and In. Pg. 16 No 1 New Zealand Hospital Ship. Pg. 19 “The Leak”. Pg. 20 Massage Students’ Club, Dunedin. Pg. 21 Correspondence. Pg. 23

March, 1944, No. 9

The Profession under Social Security. Pg. 3 Modern Treatment of Fractures of Neck and Femur. Pg. 4 Sister Kenny and Infantile Paralysis. Pg. 9 The Foot and its Disabilities. Pg. 16 Splints and Surgical Appliances. Pg. 20 Chair of Physiotherapy. Pg. 21 Sister J. Reid, N.Z.A.N.S. Pg. 22 Presentation at Egyptian Court. Pg. 23 Report of a Post-Graduate Conference. Pg. 24 Otago School of Physiotherapy Report. Pg. 25 Massage Students’ Club. Pg. 26 N.Z.T.M.A. Social Notes. Pg. 27 Generous Bequest. Pg. 27 Dominion Executive Notes. Pg. 28 Obituary. Pg. 29 Masseurs’ Registration Board. Pg. 29

November, 1944, No. 10

Editorial. Pg. 3 President’s Report. Pg. 4 A Post-Graduate Conference. Pg. 5 The Training of Amputees. Pg. 23 Occupational Therapy. Pg. 26 Otago School of Physiotherapy. Pg. 31 N.Z.T.M.A. Social Notes. Pg. 32 Masseurs’ Registration Board. Pg. 32 State Massage Examination. Pg. 35

October, 1945, No. 11

Bone-Its Formation and Growth. Pg. 4 The Preparation of Amputation Stumps for Limb Fitting. Pg. 8 A Study in the Psycho-neuroses and Psychoses. Pg. 13 The Physiotherapist’s Part in the Scheme of Physical Rehabilitation. Pg. 18 Maternity Exercise Section. Pg. 22 Use of Ultra Violet Light in Skin Treatment. Pg. 24 Miss Robert’s Report. Pg. 27 Here and There in Electrotherapy. Pg. 28 Personal Notes. Pg. 30 Branch Notes. Pg. 31 Students’ Notes. Pg. 33 New Zealand Trained Masseurs’ Association. (inc). Pg. 33 Examination Papers. Pg. 35

November, 1946, No. 12

Miss M.L. Roberts, O.B.E. Pg. 3 N.Z. Trained Masseurs’ Association. Pg. 5 N.Z. School of Physiotherapy. Pg. 7 Early Treatment of Bell’s Palsy. Pg. 13 Functional Pain. Pg. 19 Some Aspects of Diagnosis and Treatment of Painful Feet. Pg. 22 Physiotherapy in a Wartime Plastic Surgery Unit. Pg. 27 The Post-operative Treatment by Physiotherapy of Prolapsed Intervertebral Discs. Pg. 29 Ward Maintenance Exercises. Pg. 31 Clinical Column. Pg. 33 Quadriceps Apparatus. Pg. 35 Report of Physiotherapy School. Pg. 36 Personal Notes. Pg. 37 Notes from Physiotherapy Students’ Club. Pg. 39 Annual Report. Pg. 40 Masseurs’ Registration Board. Pg. 42 State Physiotherapy Exam. Pg. 45

July, 1947, No. 13

Letter from China. Pg. 3 Intervertrebral Disc Protusions. Pg. 6 Physiotherapy in Thoracic Surgery. Pg. 11 With UNRRA in China. Pg. 21 Neuritis and the Relief of Pain. Pg. 21 Dystrophia Myotonica. Pg. 28 Some Notes on the Treatment of Cerebral Palsy Cases. Pg. 30 Clinical Column. Pg. 32 Report of the Physiotherapy School. Pg. 33 Personal Notes. Pg. 34 Branch Notes. Pg. 35 Trophy Winners, 1946. Pg. 36

February, 1948, No. 14

An Appreciation. Pg. 3 A Letter from China. Pg. 5 Application of Physiotherapy to Thoracic Surgery Cases. Pg. 6 Treatment of Chronic Arthritis by Intra-Articular Injection. Pg. 15 The Longitudinal Arch. Pg. 20 Physiotherapy in conjunction with Abdominal Treatments. Pg. 23 Occupational Therapy. Pg. 27 British Legion Unit of Rheumatology for Intensive Treatment of Arthritis. Pg. 31 Report of Physiotherapy School. Pg. 33 Branch Notes. Pg. 34 Personal Notes. Pg. 35 Trophy Winners, 1947. Pg. 36 Masseurs’ Registration Board. Pg. 37

November, 1948, No. 15

Editorial. Pg. 3 N.Z. Trained Masseurs; Association. Pg. 5 Elizabeth K. Hughes. Anterior Poliomyelitis Clinical Aspect. Pg. 8 Miss B. Service. Ortodox Treatment of Anterior Poliomyelitis. Pg. 15 A. Rowatt Brown. Anterior Poliomyelitis-Physiotherapy Aspect. Pg. 23 W. Robertson. Poliomyelitis in America. Pg. 29 Official Notices. Pg. 36 Report of Physiotherapy School. Pg. 37 Physiotherapy Students’ Club. Pg. 38 Branch Notes. Pg. 39 Social Notes. Pg. 41 Personal Notes. Pg. 41 Winner of Cups and Trophies. Pg. 42 Final Examination Results.

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